Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A philisophical adjustment to SF releases!

Argh! So to revisit the Quotes Pilot for a moment. Today I was trying to set up some Workflow rules so that via a field update we could adjust the Subtotal or TotalPrice of the Quote. Alas no! Subtotal and TotalPrice is not available via the merge fields in the Formula Engine.

This got me thinking about the underlying philosophical persuasion of the SF product team when it comes to releases. It seems that on several occasions they have released a product without holistically looking at all the ramifications of a product without the basic core functionality including critical fields being exposed to the Formula Engine, for example.

This leaves me wondering whether the Senior Product Managements attitude is a little cavalier towards product releases with a “Just get it out there!” mentality.

Ok maybe I am being unfair, granted, but come on product team you wet our appetite with new products/features/functionality but you cut appendages off so we are using the product in a less the optimal and efficient way.

Oh no! Another thought struck me. I so hope that there is not a persuasive attitude of give 75% functionality and allow them to develop the further 25%. That would suck, especially for us non-developers.
What is your experience?

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